

marguerite flower

Sanguine individuals are often characterized by their cheerful, optimistic, and outgoing nature.

They tend to be energetic, enthusiastic, and sociable.

This temperament is associated with the spring season and the air element.

Air is ever-changing and invisible, yet essential for life and movement. It embodies freedom and a volatile will.

Air also symbolizes communication and the breath of life.

Strengths of Sanguine Temperaments

Potential Challenges

gush of air

general characteristics

  • Quick Reaction
  • Maximum effort to get involved
  • Relation-oriented
  • Ask "who"
  • Focus on the latest and greatest
  • "New" is synonymous with "good"
  • Appealing Personality
  • Talkative | Storyteller
  • Lives of the party
  • Good sense of humor
  • Memory for color
  • Physically holds on to listener
  • Emotional and Demonstrative
  • Enthusiastic and expressive
  • Cheerful and bubbling over
  • Curious
  • Good on stage
  • Wide-eyed and innocent
  • Live in the present
  • Changeable disposition
  • Sincere at heart
  • Always a child

as parents

  • Make home fun
  • Are liked by children's friends
  • Turn disaster into humor
  • Are the circus masters

at work

  • Volunteer for jobs
  • Think up new activities
  • Look great on the surface
  • Creative and colorful
  • Have energy and enthusiasm
  • Begin their work projects with a burst of excitement
  • Inspire others to join
  • Charm others to work

as friends

  • Make friends easily
  • Love people
  • Thrive on compliments
  • Seem exciting
  • Envied by others
  • Don't hold grudges
  • Apologize quickly
  • Prevent dull moments
  • Like spontaneous activities

sanguines will get stressed out when you...
curly bracket

If you want to help sanguines...

function best

They function best when they are happy and content.

You should strive to create a warm and friendly atmosphere around them.

Smile a lot, have fun, and laugh.

Listen to their crazy jokes, laugh along at all their childish remarks, and kindle the happy atmosphere.

get to work

Push them, but push gently.

Be kind but clear.

Sanguines hate feeling controlled.

Softly and gently explain the value of actually doing the job itself.

do business with you

You need to show them that you are just as open and friendly as they are.

Allow them to be devoted to the latest thing.

Use expressions like "state-of-the-art", newly developed", and "never before used".

Equip yourself with lots of energy.

listen to you

Sanguines aren't good listeners.

You must persuade them to answer your question very concretely and have them say, "Yes, I will be there at three just as I promised" or, "Of course, I'll inform the customer exactly as we've agreed".

keep their attention

Strip away as much as possible the minutia as you possibly can.

They don't care about how things work, only that they work.

make a decision

Set the Excel spreadsheets aside, lean forward, and say with a big smile, "How does this feel?"

You can connect with them by demonstrating that you also trust your instincts.

get more organized

Create a structure for them.

Help out by creating a simple list.

Sanguines are the ones who are most in need of structure in the form of diagrams and checklists.

Sanguines grow in the spiritual life by...

  1. practicing recollection and solitude

  2. deepening their understanding of the truth

  3. rising above their surface-level feelings

  4. cultivating prayer in which meditation prevails

  5. giving themselves to reflection on both spiritual and temporal affairs